Though not a life threatening condition, hair loss and hair thinning can be extremely distressing emotionally and lead to anxiety, social withdrawal, loss of confidence and feelings of humiliation. Yet, hair loss is an extremely common condition with over 80% of humans struggling with it at some stage in their lives.

So if you’re facing hair loss , it’s important to note that you’re not alone and getting the right hair loss treatment may be just a step away. Let’s look at 5 reasons for hair loss and how to fix it.

1.       Androgenetic alopecia

Androgenetic Alopecia is a hereditary condition where your genes impact hair thinning and balding. Androgenetic alopecia is the Number 1 reason for male or female pattern baldness. The condition is triggered by dihydrotestosterone DHT, a by-product of testosterone which causes hair follicles to shrink. Over time, the hair cycle shortens leading to slower hair growth.

How to fix it:

As this kind of hair thinning is already coded into your genes,  there’s no ‘cure’ for this condition. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to ensure your hair remains healthy even if you don’t have winning hair genes.

-          Follow a diet that is vitamin rich and keeps you properly nourished. 

-         Take hair boosting supplements like Vitamin E , Biotin and even protein supplements if needed.   

- If hair thinning is affecting your confidence and causing you anxiety, you could consider getting a fuller thicker look with Toppik hair building fibers. Toppik has electrostatically charged fibres made of keratin that blend in naturally with your existing hair to give the appearance of thicker hair, helping millions around the world cover bald patches, hair thinning  and receding hairlines. It’s non-invasive, quick, instant and easy and lasts from wash to wash. 


2.        Hormone imbalance

Hormonal imbalance is a broad term that affects 80% of woman. Hormonal imbalances result in conditions like Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) where one of the symptoms is often associated with hair fall and/or excess hair growth on the body. In PCOS, there is an increase in the production of the male hormone, testosterone, which is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), responsible for shrinking the hair follicle and making them more prone to falling out.

Additionally, during menopause, which typically occurs in the 40s or 50s, estrogen levels fall and testosterone levels increase. Again, this results in DHT affecting hair growth.


How to fix it:

If you have hormonal imbalance, it’s best to consult with your doctor to treat the condition. Your doc may prescribe drugs which block excess male hormones and put you on hormone therapy.

3. Low protein diets

Protein is the building block for hair, since hair is made up primarily of a protein called keratin  , so not getting enough of it can lead to poor quality hair and hair loss. Did you know that the protein you eat is prioritized by your body for more essential bodily functions like cell growth and repair, while hair growth is deprioritized. So if you’re not having enough Protein, your body will simply stop growing new hair, which results in sparser tresses.

In a study, women with sparse hair were given protein supplements for 90 days. Researchers found that extra protein promoted hair growth and decreased hair loss.


How to fix it:

The Dietary Reference Intake report for macronutrients suggests that an adult should consume 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight if leading an active lifestyle and 0.8 grams of protein per body weight if sedentary. Make sure you include protein rich foods in every meal.

4. Stress

Stress is indeed destructive as it affects the body as much as it does the mind.

Stress and trauma can ‘shock’ the body into developing a condition called  Telogen Effluvium which causes hair roots to be pushed prematurely into the ‘resting state’.  Within a few months these hair follicles fall out , without being replaced by new ones. The good news is that the condition is usually temporary and hair usually grows back once the stressful period is over.

Stress can also trigger Alopecia areata, a condition where the body’s immune system attacks hair follicles (what holds the hair in place), causing hair loss. It usually appears as bald spots over the scalp, but in some cases people can lose their eyelashes or eyebrows.

How to deal with it:

Stress and traumatic situations are a part of life, but it’s important to address your stress levels and seek help if needed. Turning to a counselor, practicing yoga and meditation, reaching out to friends and family, spending time outdoors, distancing yourself from stress triggers can help you relieve your stress and help you cope with stressful phases better.

Visit a hair specialist to begin with hair growth products if you like. If your hair fails to grow back on its own, you could opt for hair treatments that help stimulate regrowth 

5. Underlying Medical conditions

Underlying medical conditions like anaemia , thyroid disorders that results in Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism, conditions like scalp psoriasis (which leads to scalp itchiness and excessive itching),  Tinea captisis (ringworm of the scalp) and  Anagen Effluvium ( Hair loss associated with chemotherapy) can also be factors leading to hair loss.

How to fix it:

Make an appointment with your doc and a health checkup if needed to get the right medication for recovery. With the right medication, your hair is likely to grow back so take heart. 

Several individuals suffering from hair loss achieve the appearance of thicker hair by using  Toppik hair building fibres. For other solutions, you could also use hair extensions, wigs, opt for  hair cuts like layers and bobs that create an illusion of fuller hair.   

Hair loss is a condition that can have many causes. Thankfully, there are plenty of solutions available. So if you’re stressing over your falling hair, it's best to see a doctor to see how you can fix it. Luscious locks may be just the right diagnosis away!